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The current fixed SOCIAL SESSIONS are:

Tuesdays: Ladies 9.30am to 12 noon

Wednesdays: Gents 9.30am to 12 noon

Fridays: General social from 2pm

Sunday Open Social from 11am

The 2024 Pickleball English Open held August 8-14 in Telford. It was the biggest Pickleball event outside USA with 7 days of the English OPEN.  1,976 players and lots of happy faces;  thousands of games and 208 sets of medals awarded;
As always HTC was well presented with 12 players winning medals. See gallery here 

The 4th Annual Hertfordshire Pickleball Festival 
This fun festival took place Saturday March 9th 2024. Registration sold out within hours with over 120 players. No medals, no pressure just fun fun fun!!
k here here for pictures 

                                                                         English Nationals
The English Nationals recently took place at the Bolton Arena. There was good representation from the club and we had a great time, good pickleball and many laughs. The social aspect of these tournaments is always very enjoyable.
Our players won a very creditable 15 medals.
David S David M gold 3.5 65+
Yvonne gold doubles open 70+
Ceri bronze doubles 3.5 65+
Ceri gold mixed 3.5+ 65+
Yvonne bronze mixed 3.5 70+
Paul bronze singles 3.5 60+
Nick and Paul gold 3.5 60+
David R silver 3.5 60+
Paul silver mixed 3.5 60+
Karyn and David bronze 3.5 60+
Pam and David silver 4.0+ 60+

Please visit our gallery for pictures

19 players from Hoddesdon attended Telford International Centre for the

3rd annual English Open, 2023. Bringing home an astonishing 15 medals!

The exhibition venue was turned into 40 pickleball courts for a 4-day pickleball extravaganza! The lined pickleball courts were constructed like a jigsaw puzzle with each section of the court identified, laid like a carpet and cold welded together to form a lined pickleball court. Essential to get the pieces in the right place on the court diagram!
This year’s event attracted over 1,000 players, 100% up from last year.  It was the largest pickleball tournament to be held outside north America. A great time was had by all, renewing old acquaintances and making new friends.
Throughout the 4 days competition different age groups ranged from 19 to 70+ playing at various skill levels. This is the 2nd year Pickleball England put on a wheelchair event and for the first time we had a well attended junior event. There were opportunities to ‘Play with the Pros’, attend ‘Clinics with the Pros’and then indulge in pickleball retail therapy.
Hoddesdon Pickleball Club had players at the English Open in a variety of events. BaD
Club medal winners are also included

Singles 70+
Nick Pomery   - Gold
Murray Allan  - Bronze
Women's Doubles:
Yvonne Stredder                                       70+             Gold
Christine Neyndorff                                70+             Silver
Linda Shanley                                            70+             Bronze
Ceri Why                                                     65+      3.5 Gold
Amanda Smart and Pippa Bull             50+      3.5 Bronze

Men's Doubles:
David Stoten                                               60+     4.0 Gold
David Horsey and Nick Antoniou       65+     3.0 Bronze
Nigel Darcy                                                 60+     3.0 Gold
Mixed Doubles:

Mike Varney and Yvonne Stredder     70+            Silver
Helen Hills                                                  50+     3.5 Gold
Karyn Duggan                                            60+     3.5 Gold
Amanda Smart and Nick Pomery        50+     3.5  Bronze

next stop The English Nationals in Bolton, October.

see gallery

Belgium Open July 2023
Well done to Karyn Duggan and David Mills, Pam and David Stoten - 4 x silver and 1 x gold medal at the Belgium Open. Every player from HTCPickleball came back with a medal - fantastic!! see gallery

Irish Open 2023
5 players from Hoddesdon participated at the 2023 Irish Open in Dublin. Whilst we didn't win any medals a great time was had by all.  Over 400 participants attended, double from last year.  We met up with many friends and picklers from around the world and managed to get in some wonderful sight seeing around Dublin.


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HTCPickleball welcomed West Herts B team to Hoddesdon today, June 11th. HTCPickleball  won 24-8. More importantly we all had fun in the sun. We huffed and puffed in 30c temperatures great pickleball and even greater company, thank you WHB. See gallery

We are currently 2nd in the Herts Inter-Club League 2023

Hoddesdon friendly match against Cambridge 
This match was particularly aimed at those players who had not played in a match before to give them experience. Everyone put there match nerves aside and played very good standard pickleball, scores 20 -12 in favour of Hoddesdon.
See gallery

The Hertfordshire open Pickleball Tournival took place at the Hertfordshire  sports village in Hatfield on 14th January. The event sold out within hours. Players of all skill levels took part and from the feedback we got everyone enjoyed the format and experience.  See our Gallery.....

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Match against Norfolk - Result Norwich 47 - HTC & BaD 7

   Well done everybody for making the games against Norwich a good fun event, which was the primary objective. 

                                                                                                             See our Gallery for pictures

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English Nationals 2022

English Nationals at Bolton Arena 27-30 October 2022

With over 400 players attending over the course of the weekend and for 150 of those players this was their first tournament. 

13 players from Hoddesdon Tennis Club Pickleball went to the English Nationals 2022 in Bolton. It was great fun and we managed to come back with quite a few medals.  Whilst getting medals is not the main purpose, participating is, and it was good fun to be able to celebrate achievements with all players. 

Amanda and Pippa won gold in the 50+, skill level 3.5 
Pam won a silver medal (with Elaine Shallcross) in the 50+, 4.0 skill level 
Mike and Yvonne won gold in the 65+, 3.5 skill level 
Kath and Christine won silver in the 65/70+, 3.0 skill level
Kath and Murray won silver in the 60/65+, 3.0 skill level 
Steph and David Relf got through to the quarter finals (50+, 3.0 level) 
Nick won bronze in 60+65+ 3.5 singles

David Relf and David Mills got gold in 60+65+ 3.0 men’s doubles
Murray got through to 3.0 singles quarters.
David Relf and David Mills won gold in the 60/65+ 3.0 level

See our gallery for pictures Well done team members!






Congratulations to Karyn, Sandra and Conor who won Bronze and Silver medals at the Italian Open 2022


There were many entrants from HTC and our sister club BaD, and from all around the country. Everyone had a thoroughly good day playing at least 10 games and many good comments have been received. We hope to see you all again next year!  Thank you to all the volunteers who helped the day run very smoothly
                      Congratulations to the medal winners. 

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The Cambridge Pickleball club International Summer Tournament 2022 came to Wodson park with over 135 players and helpers.  Again, we had combined BaD and HTC players. Each team was made up 2x males and 2x females. We had a semi final from both clubs competing for a gold medal final place. Team 'The Paddle Beaters'  went through - congratulations to Paul, Nigel, Claire, and Trish, who won gold medal.  

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August 7th 2022, ladies and gents from HTCPickleball and Cambridge Pickleball Club gathered for the 3rd annual inter club match at Hoddesdon home ground. It was delightful sunny afternoon of friendly play and banter followed by a wonderful tea with much too much cake!  HTC came out the winners this year with score 19-13. We look forward to next years challenge. 

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12 club members descended on the English Pickleball Open,  2022. Held at David Lloyds in Southampton, 19 courts , 485 participants from 24 countries.  HTC Hoddesdon and BaD came home with 9 medal winners. Congratulations to Mike, Ceri, Yvonne, Christine, Dee, Paul, Nick, David and Pam you are officially winners !! 

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BaD/HTC v Eastbourne

Over the three days 22nd to 24th June 2022 an intrepid team of 17 players headed to the south coast at Eastbourne. For some, the journey was rather longer than anticipated and life stories were exchanged during the car shares. Tribulations faded away during a very pleasant meal on the waterfront Wednesday evening. Thursday morning was time for a bit of sightseeing before our match against Pickleball in Eastbourne (PIE) in the afternoon.

The opposition was a strong team but although the overall result of losing 14-50 was a little disappointing, there were many close games. A great learning experience.
The weather on Friday was almost perfect for the tennis at Devonshire Park. There wasn't a British win but the atmosphere was lively and enjoyed by our fourteen players who had opted to go.
All in all, a great few days."

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7 BaD and HTC picklers attended the Dutch open May 2022.  Bringing back no less than 5 medals. We think it was an outstanding achievement !

Well done Mike, Christine, Ceri ,David and Karyn


Hoddesdon Pickleballer travels to
Nepal to promote the sport


Hertfordshire Mixed Doubles tournament 2021

BaD/HTC V Runnymead Royals 2021

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Website designed and developed by Murray Allan 

© 2022 Hoddesdon Pickleball Club. All rights reserved.

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